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Miscellaneous DiskStation Stuff

Probably all outdated.

Diskstation Firmware Services

Several services are started on the Diskstation by default. This is a list of the services I found on my CS-406 firmware 426. Most of them I do not need. I deactivated them moving the start scripts from /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d to /usr/syno/etc.defaults/

S02cardreader.shyesCopyright (c) 2000-2006 Synology Inc. All rights reserved. This daemon would keep polling USB disk in order to trigger hotplug events.
S03bootup.shnoRuns /usr/syno/bin/synocheckvolume, /usr/syno/bin/synocheckshare and /usr/syno/bin/synobootup
S03inetd.shnoRuns /usr/sbin/inetd
S04crond.shyesStarts the cron daemon (/usr/sbin/crond). Needed for Time, Net Backup and maybe other functionality.
S09DDNS.shyesStarts Ez-Internet (/usr/syno/sbin/ddnsd) if supportddns is set to yes in /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf.
S10UPnPportmap.shyesRuns /usr/syno/sbin/upnpd if supportportmapping is set to yes in /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf.
S20pgsql.shyesStarts the PostgreSQL database. Needed for the Photo Station and the Multimedia Service.
S21mysql.shyesStarts the MySQL database if enabled under Web Service (or via key runmysql in /etc/synoinfo.conf.
S25download.shyesStarts the Download Service if support_download is set to yes in /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf and if enabled under Download Service.
S30hotplug.shnoStarts hotplug subsystem (for USB devices and such).
S55lpd.shyesStarts the printing service (/usr/syno/sbin/lpd).
S66synoindexd.shyesStarts the Multimedia Service indexing daemon (/usr/syno/sbin/synoindexd) if supportmediaservice is set to yes in /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf and if enabled under Multimedia Service.
S77synomkthumbd.shyesStarts the Photo Station thumbnail creating service (/usr/syno/bin/synomkthumd).
S78JumboFrame.shyesSets MTU to configured value if the network is running at 1000 Mbit (via /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu XXXXX).
S79RCPower.shyesUnclear. Maybe UPS monitoring service.
S80samba.shyesStarts Shared Folders server for Windows clients (Samba) (/usr/syno/sbin/smbd and /usr/syno/sbin/nmbd). Also starts /usr/syno/sbin/winbindd if a domain has been set. The «Syno-Samba» is crap in firmware 426. Replaced with Samba from Optware.
S81atalk.shyesStarts Shared Folders server for Macintoshs (Apple Talk) (/usr/syno/etc/rc.atalk).
S84rsyncd.shyesStarts Network Backup server (/usr/syno/bin/rsync) if enabled under Network Backup.
S85synonetbkpd.shyesStarts Network Backup client (/usr/syno/bin/synonetbkpd) if configured under Network Backup.
S86synodms.shyesStarts the Multimedia Service (/usr/syno/sbin/dms) if supportmediaservice is set to yes in /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf and if enabled under Multimedia Service.
S95sshd.shyesStarts an ssh daemon if supportssh is set to yes in /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf.
S97apache-sys.shnoStarts the web admin interface (Apache, /usr/syno/apache/bin/httpd using the config file /usr/syno/apache/conf/httpd.conf-sys).
S97apache-user.shyesStarts the Web Service (Apache, /usr/syno/apache/bin/httpd using the config file /usr/syno/apache/conf/httpd.conf and /usr/syno/etc/php.ini) if enabled under Web Service.
S98findhostd.shyesStarts /usr/syno/bin/findhostd. Unclear what it does. I think it announces the DS to other DS (e.g. for Network Backup).
S99ftpd.shyesStarts the FTP Service (/usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.ftpd) if enabled under FTP Service.
S99zbootok.shnoWrites STEP=4 to /tmp/boot_seq.tmp. Probably to signal the bloody scemd or so to stop blinking the blue (power) LED.

Personal comment: Some of these start scripts are really ugly. One could write many things in a much more elegant way.

created: 2008-04-03, updated: 2015-09-16