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GuruPlug Debian

GuruPlug Server Plus Debian GNU/Linux Notes



  • we need the uap8xxx.ko kernel module, and the uaputl setup utility (the latter shipped with the GuruPlug as /usr/bin/uaputl)
    • uses /lib/firmware/mrvl/helper_sd.bin, /lib/firmware/mrvl/sd8688_ap.bin (shipped with the GuruPlug)
  • disable wireless client mode modules libertas_sdio.ko and libertas.ko
    • uses sd8688.bin, sd8688_helper.bin (found in /root/firmware; also in Debian package libertas-firmware)
  • remove or disable call to /root/ from /etc/rc.local


  • – the script (do not forget to chmod +x ...) with instructions (in the script)


  • PlugForum:1648 – wireless access point module and user space setup utility (uaputl); modinfo uap8xxx.ko says «Marvell» and «GPL».. but where’s the source code for the uaputl?


  • /etc/ifplugd/ifplugd.action – cleaned by dist-upgrade to squeeze
  • removed usbmount, udhcpd, dbus and other stuff
  • created new ssh keys
  • /var/lib/dbus
  • /var/log (/samba)
  • removed all stuff from /etc/rc.local
  • there’s some really nasty stuff in /etc/sudoers
  • disable ipv6: blacklist ipv6 module in /etc/modprobe.d/backlist.conf


Firewall & Router

Or you can use my firewall/routing script. It assumes two different and fully trusted networks (and interfaces) for the ethernet LAN and the wireless LAN, and a separate interface for the internet connection. It configures the firewall, the routing and NAT for this setup. See the script (comments) for details.

    • installation:
      • copy to /etc/init.d/flipfirewall,
      • chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/flipfirewall,
      • edit the configuration in the script (IF_EXT, IF_LAN, IF_WIR)
      • test with /etc/init.d/flipfirewall start
      • and activate: update-rc.d flipfirewall defaults

Compiling Stuff (Options)

created: 2010-05-18, updated: 2015-09-16