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ffGuestBook is a PHP guestbook for web sites. Instead of using SQL databases, it relies on flat files for storage. It is fully configurable through templates, and includes support for English, German and Spanish. An administration interface for moderating entries is also provided, along with restrictions for preventing users from entering silly email addresses or unnecessarily long text.

The entry is here:

License / Copying

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

ffGuestBook – Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004 by Philippe Kehl <phkehl at gmx dot net>

See also COPYING.


I decided to stop development on ffGuestBook. I think the program is usable as it is. There is one issue with the php configuration on the server: ‹register global variables› (or something like that) has to be enabled.

If somebody wants to take over this project, don’t do! Take the code if you like and build a new program from that. But, please, choose an other name! And credit. Thanks.

There are manuals in English and Spanish.

disabled register_globals workaround

An ugly hack to sort of enable register_globals=on would be something like this:

while (list($a, $b) = each($_GET)) $$a=$b;
while (list($a, $b) = each($_POST)) $$a=$b;


Downloads are here.

created: 2015-09-16, updated: 2015-10-10